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Directions to Good Times! 

From Bakersfield - 2.5 hours

  1. Go north on 99.

  2. Take 65 north to the Springville exit at Porterville.

  3. Travel east on 190 (about 42) miles through Springville and Camp Nelson.

  4. Turn left at the Lewis Camp Trailhead road (look for our Pack Station sign).

  5. Drive 7.5 miles following the Pack Station sign.

    From Fresno - 2.5 hours

  6. Drive south on 99 to the Tipton/Springville exit.

  7. Travel east through Springville.

  8. Drive east up Hwy. 190 to the Lewis Camp Trailhead road, approximately 25 miles from Springville.

  9. Look for our Pack Station sign. Follow the Pack Station signs about 7.5 miles.

    From Lake Isabella / Kernville

  10. Drive north (7 miles) on Sierra Hwy. up the Kern River past Johnsondale to the Great Western Divide Highway.

  11. Turn right on the Great Western Divide Highway. Go past the Pondersosa Lodge approximately 1.5 miles to the Lewis Camp Trailhead Road.

  12. Look for our sign. Follow the signs 7.5 miles to the Pack Station. 

    Approximate Travel times from: 

    Los Angeles - 4.5 hours      Palm Springs - 6 hours 
    San Diego - 7 hours           San Francisco - 6 hours